Tuesday, July 12, 2022

unifinity in the legal apparatus, considering sentencing and semantics of precedent to jurisdiction at all


to make a legit court address for appealing the numerical system in its application to the judicial one itself is impossible for the courts to allow. why?
if u wanna adjust sentencing for prisoners based on a math paradigm being out of synch with reality such that infinity is in actuality the same reality physically and applicably as any number from 1 and between, including fractionalizations (or quanta) then it must confess the entire system itself is a failure--except for one law representing all of them.
so the only way to go back to the caveman days which is how it was, according to ancient Moorish teachings for one which is the Golden Rule of Do As Thou Wilt So Long As It Does Not Prevent Another From Doing The Same
Now think about this. We have a translataion which is endowed with a spiritual blessing but it is also in itself a prison. It is a formulaic representation that if we flow with our will then it is the only allowance for us to survive in congruence without purchase or conflict. We will be unable to do anything else however but repeating our own prehistoric destiny encoded as far back as the first and all of everything we know since the 'sameness' represents itself the infinite.
Thou is a body, a person with a soul and everything you see must therefore be alive. "Do" is an action. "Wilt" is the will of an individual which represents perception, ego and superposition with society-- the construct of our known worlds. The caveat for prevention of another to do the same has a magical overtone- that whatever we do can be done again, and in return for that we tread the path of all at once for the goodness of ourselves. In other words, we seek to create where creation has been done before but never happened there without us specifically.
And if we harmonize it will be as natural and automatic as when you are in the best parts of your life which is usually for most eating, sex, affection, sleeping, exercise, etc. wherein we are central to the satisfaction of all involved mutually for indifference of each other. The indifferent are those modalities of inhibition against the others will to do as they wilt.
Now we may assess this law has not ruled in favor of lust, territoriality, disputes, etc. because these things occur naturally among all species in one way or another and the biological world has prevented courts from ruling over them except that they may be demolished, meaning they declare no control over the individual life of the insects, mammals, avian and the rest of the non-humans except that they are all either flora or fauna, food or soil for humans to use as if they would be plastics.
If we do apply this Golden Rule to those who want to fist fight, say then we account for the will of the other. Agreement and concordance with the sameness of bodies in mutual willfulness confluent with each other is to maintain the integrity of honor since civility is more important than destruction. A guarantee that we have it better all day, every day over and over again as if we are wealth, well balanced, happy and forgetting anything which was bringing us down is more important than combat- unless they both really want it. Both sides, both people, both group on a one or whatever. We are not preventing if we agree to fight, and we do not prevent those who agree.
This is the basis of all laws already and before money, taxes, government itself we had this one down as a human race.
The problem endemic to the government and Court's position is that they disappear if they concede to the logic that 1 is in fact infinite. No money. No boundary. No Votes. No crimes. No *RIGHTS* except the one Golden Rule. There's no way they can do that but in my opinion, there's no way at this point they cannot.
My theory of Unifinity being an expansion of the serpent story with Eve, where the apple represents cumulative mathematics with intercourse to enmity then we seal the path to Armageddon,. This is not a religious belief for many on the planet but the association to history and the founding religions before Christianity entail the path to the Armageddon concept contained within the modern King James bible text. The idea for Unifinity is that enmity is created through the apple of mathematics without infinity, a trick that we use it to build language and laws, etc. which in the end separates us from male and female love, creating enmity. The Armageddon story is a dance of hysteria from gentle creation's beginnings which chides us along a turbulent path with warnings written all over the place that we need to turn back and be righteous with the word of God. In the end, we don't have it very well with the Revelations everyone knows about yet if we were to return to our innocence then we'd have it good again, as in the paradise of Eden,
The dispelling of many commonly held misconceptions about the Bible and its origins reveal a lot of things to me that disappoint but in fact opened a much greater variety of fascinating riddles and surprises which are overwhelmingly good.
In essence, the return to a world where we use math to enjoy and not to work, which may be to all but forget about it except as it may come up for play. The US Justice system is founded on Christian and Jewish beliefs with Muslim underneath it (in case you didn't know the Native American world was predominately *Muslim* and you can check that out yourself-- just look at the name of California for example, or Cherokee Chiefs with Muslim names before and after Europeans arrived). The legal system is at a point where there may be too many laws, More laws make more taxes, more conflicts, more enmity. More fraud, beguilement and politics for more legalities with greater inflation of a government which ever shrinks to us as a personalized entity as it grows in terrible size. The governments of the world could collapse anyway, on their own without a resolution for their use of mathematics which assigns blindly to one over the other injustice after injustice called 'cracks in the system' or 'corruption' or 'budget crisis' or 'it's the best we have and the best system in the world (too bad)' or 'banking' --whatever else.
Technology is the measure of scientific achievement with mathematical refinements and the evolution of a new order of life called artificial or android or robot or whatever is on the cusp of threatening humanity for domination. Armageddon is spelled our for us because we fail as a species, the next one is right there. If we saw that we don't need to enslave ourselves with mathematics then we won't have to have that war, will we?
The court can use judicial processes such as psychiatric and psychological for the functionality of Unifinity to the sentencing process. It will start in the criminal system or the bankruptcy or similar court because imprisonment has the first need and greed equals that. CEOs who can bail themselves out for billions of personal expenditures such as cocaine and hookers in the Caribbean will be fast to introduce evidence they were using Unifinity and believed it was legitimate which the court may have to as well after arguing logically about the basis for the systemic use of law of weights and measures as math. The prisoner can say they have experience four years and four months eleven days six hours nine minutes up to the point of the Judge listening to them argue about their false imprisonment because the imprisonment can be false if it is false enough in both the mind of the court and the mind of the imprisoned person.
This is psychological but the reaches into the mentality of spatial time, genetics, astronomy and quantum mechanics will wind up binding to the entanglement, like cracks of the system. At the end of the day, there's no way to say you are not rehabilitated more or less for certain duration than assigned by the individual upon the mercies of the court justices and there is no way those justices may imagine anything less or more than unfair, undue and cruel punishment falsely imprisoning a person who may be beyond the span of whatever specific notation of calendar math we have assigned for incarceration as a value to rehabilitate.
In the end, the law will uphold itself as a finality to endure what is between us losing the right of a singularity for the purposing of others to the unnatural technocratic sadism and slave driving ugliness we call the modern prison system, and this does include most we see around the world though America prides itself on being among the worst or at least the most populated per capita, The Court has maintained this failure of the citizenry without avowing to disprove it before it is heard. This must ascribe foreknowledge and forbearance which is provided by our US Seal E Pluribus Unum or "Out of One, Many". This is the infinity equation from a different time and the seal is violated when too many laws pretend to be different than the founding law itself, as upheld by the US government and the US courts.
Thus we may find our freedom but we won't dissolve our government for it is the formula itself,. written long ago.
The irony is it may be the only way to prevent anarchy through the perversion of our way of life here-- those cracks in the system.
Any chance at prison reform is worth fighting for. No two things are alike, therefore no numbers past one can be proved except to demonstrate this formula.

Thursday, July 7, 2022

 A wild hypothesis

CALIGULA caught the guard sexualizing some. He addressed it. There was a struggle. The guard won in a way but CALIGULA vowed to return and settle things. This was a notion where footmen became more powerful than their leader such that it would take time equivalent to the amount gained by usurper past the balance for governance. 

This could be time.

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Is There A Perfect Odd Number?

The oldest open problem in mathematics
 ̄ EU Math Circle, December 2, 2007, Oliver Knill
Perfect numbers
The integer n = 6 has the proper divisors 1, 2, 3. The sum of these divisors is 6, the number itself.
A natural number n for which the sum of proper divisors is n is called a perfect number. So, 6
is a perfect number.
All presently known perfect numbers are even. Here are the smallest 12 perfect numbers:
6, 28, 496, 8128, 33550336, 8589869056, 137438691328
2305843008139952128, 265845599156983174465469261595

Whether there are odd perfect numbers is the oldest known open problem in mathematics: [10]:
Is there an odd perfect number?
Also unknow is the answer to the question:
Are there infinitely many perfect numbers?

We don't need to look past the number 6 in order to establish perfection in all numbers. This illusion of connecting our principles for mathematical coherence into subjective rationalizations for further expansion, inflation, exploration, parsing is invitation to denounce infinity as a summation of the realm for numerical data or usage. If we reflect on the notion first of proper divisors of 6 being 1, 2, 3 then it can be suggested that therein lies any basic formula for reaching the synchronized heights of elevated and imagined math substances from extensions of these divisors such that we omit all frequencies of patterns representing the climb or descent to these apexes or climaxes or perfection to the mathematician. Prediction is the basis for the concept of a perfect odd since we cannot see it yet we can objectify it as a conundrum to be satisfied by neutralized numbers between 6 and it. When we are discussing the evidence of a 1, 2, 3 or 6 we fail to adhere to the structural coincidences of all perceived realities- there is nothing which is not unique. A paradox to be sure since we cannot have a lack of anything without balancing it with the idea that there is no actuality to forms of duplicity. We are saying to access 1 by metering it in repetitions to get a 6. We can say the act of learning in our minds of a separation between a 1, 6 is to agree that suspended disbelief over our innate ideas that we know everything we do, we are, we see and we know is an origination against the previous instance of origination. Thus we may be able to devise a language for ourselves which is a binary sort such as 0,1 or 1, 2 that can explain our contingent understandings of learning. In order to sew a 6 from a 1, 2 and 3 we have summed up a separation of instances which clearly demonstrate the state of being for all involved to the acknowledgement so that we are agreeing to extract over and over again a product of uniqueness to organizational capacities which approximate functions, not other practical or identifiable forms of principal. We can say then we are left with 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, etc. so that 1, 2, 3 becoming a 6 to be a perfect number instates the laborious entailment to inciting ourselves through redundancies for our denial that we know there is no separation to anything. If we imagine an invisible strand connecting infinitely to all which is within our universe then we are conquering the paradoxical liens against the freedom on our souls because we have found a way of connecting all numbers to each other as we see them! What has actually happened when we concede to the solution of a divided 6? If we use coherence to demonstrate the natural tendency of breaking sections of things off then identifying them by word or symbol, then we are still left with the idea that the division itself has not actually taken place, has taken place, continues to take place, stopped taking place and how we use it will be the parameters for the visage of the solution. Apples can be sliced up for example and it will always be apple, it's from the same apple, there's only two apple trees in Khazakstan which sourced nearly all sold apples in markets of the common world, the bits of the apples which fell created impossible to count pieces of apples from the slicing, the consumption of apples leads to processing as fuel then recycling to possibly become apples again. Without trying very hard, we have taken the idea of an apple being divided into the reproduction of itself from its own function as it relates to us. How often do we think about life for an apple and what that must be like?

We are seeing the beginning, end and sustenance of the basic illusion that productions of mathematica can resolve without any redress to instinctive bases for infinite comprehensions, that subdivisions are useful as media for interchangeable commodities up to a point it is impractical for daily enjoyment of survival, and that we are not at rest until we feel the master over nature which we consistently contradict ourselves is a Godly affair alone. To see a perfect odd, we must instigate a competition within our scientific collective to perfect infinity first.

No two things are alike, therefore no numbers past one can be proved except to demonstrate this formula.

1 = Infinity
