After discovering the Bar Kamza is Jesus Christ since Bar Kamza is Izus of Edessa (the true person Jesus Christ was based on in the Bible), have reached some new conclusions! One is that Jesus Christ represents the bearer of INFINITY MATHEMATICS as the Jews were dealing with Rome about MONEY, SLAVERY, IMMORTALITY. The science of infinity goes with immortality and this is the nature of the story of the Flood. Among many of my working hypotheses is that there was actually no ice-age (which gets into quite a large bit of science which I was shocked revealed that this was a possibility since it was the only conclusion I was reaching by tracing the historical accounts of civilizations with the archaeological evidence, that it makes sense that the flood was far far farther back in time and that there was actually no Ice Age or not in the way we know it...lo and behold there's science supporting this but I am not convinced yet and need to delve much deeper...). The Flood may have really happened about 40,000 years ago about it may have been pre-dated by vast flourishing civilizations with no interruption due to the weather.
The statement of the Gods in Enki tablets and from the deeper African histories is that a Canus/Dog race of people bred the reptilians which in turn wound up breeding human beings. There was a revolt of slaves which resulted in a war and it sounds like the war was against the Neanderthals. Now get ready for this but it's starting to appear that Jesus Christ-- was actually a Neanderthal. How, why? He was A) Redheaded B) Being Pharonic in his lines, was likely a Giant C) The Jewish Revolt, if the entire history was written for us NOT to know what truly happened but to cover it up, maybe have actually been this war against Neanderthals and happened much much much longer ago. The timelines are already 40 years apart for the Roman and the Biblical, the gifted researcher Ralph Ellis has connected them! I am forced to assume Flavius is a cover for what really happened..
It's getting pretty out there at some times but there is definitely a connection between the Neanderthals and the slave revolt.
*Today I went to the Facebook of Ralph Ellis where I participate in commentary with him. My entire commentary line from lastnight and the memes were CENSORED OUT! Strike 1, Ralph! It could be Facebook or some crazy glitch but looks like the MONEY SPECIFIC posts about bar Kamza and the relationship that Infinity science has to the Jewish revolt was the bothersome aspect, along with the LIGHT SABRE qualities of James I's and possibly Jesus Christ's blade! I theorized with Ellis that Tiberius inherited the weapon and/or the material for it as it is his relationship with history that expresses this mysterious 'malleable glass', a glass harder than any metal.
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