Saturday, March 6, 2021

Star Trek Terraforming Behind Scenes Footage-- FROM ANOTHER PLANET? No bullshit here. Aliens, tech and weird clones...somethings up

note anyone reading this shit today, i havent put pictures in yet. i may do an involved video with speaking over it. i may take this down entirely at some point. what i've discovered probably isnt going to be believed by anyone in a box.


I have been a Star Trek original series fan since a kid named "Justin" introduced me to it around the 2nd grade though I'm not sure when. After school one day, he made some tater tots and told me how good a series this was. To me it looked weird, something the kids I didn't feel were really aware of their own worth would like. After a few minutes I was hooked, then it was on every night after 10pm when I was supposed to be sleeping. I got to watch it every night over and over in my own room. I have been a lifelong fan of the original series so know it fairly well. There's fanatics about it who are way way beyond me in terms of their worship, trivial knowledge and all that but I focused more on the philosophy, the drama, the danger and the mysticism involved. It's utterly beyond fascinating to begin with..

That's why I'm startled but in a way not surprised to have found evidence of something much grander at stake with those episodes. I question if we are being shown the original ones which aired or not, which is a lot to explain how it could be really possible. In the collection of home style super 8mm videos on the OS Behind the Scenes footage release, every single clip has something extraordinary involved in it. I have just recently stumbled upon this literally over the last few days and am exposing a small bit of what's involved.

First of all, it does appear that each actor had at least one double. Secondly though there is definitely something going on with advanced technology, what I wonder is possibly alien life forms and then the actual terrain where these films were taken.

I've only gone over a few of these closely as of now but will look at each one.

1. Nimoy walking with smile to camera 

First of all, look at the man who comes in from the right. At the end of the clip, this man appears from out of nowhere from the right and does something impossible with his right hand. In fact, I don't find a hand in every frame. This is the kind of alien things that occur on this, something with the hands that is impossible and it coordinates the same way a master illusionist would -- only I don't feel these are probably tricks or just illusions. I feel it's alien or at least advanced tech. Cloning is probably going on but my instincts say this is terraforming and travel between worlds. We are being shown beyond advanced technology.

Look at the silver screens mounted on the 'truck' behind 'Nimoy'. Those teeth don't match the Nimoy I'm familiar with so there's quotes around his name, but if you try to identify how that panel is sparkling during this film clip you will be at a very serious obstruction with your logic. This is not a reflector for sunlight such as a photographer might use for a movie set. This is a technology that may be producing some form of energy or it may be transporting something, it may be doing something with energy exchange--something. Just looking at this clip now for the blog shows me the same thing that happens when Shatner is in front of it later at a different location happens here, and that is there's some creature or technology or both appearing to move very subtly behind the actors. It's very definitive in the Shatner clip but not so much for the Nimoy one. If you can find it, look over his right shoulder for som oddities in the colors of what appears to be vegetation on a mountainside background but I find that to again be another misperception consciously fomented for this massive strange visual oddity.


You won't be able to make the motions but there's one frame, just like in the similar Shatner clip where his hand and arm become a different looking appendage. This does not explained by some motion on film thing, this is a form of shifting shape or making it appear one way versus another via video deception. Whatever the case, it's not normal, it's not possible and it's not intended to be perceived without some effort. It's not intended to be obvious like a magician does a trick. When his right hand is finally being used more normally you will notice a strange black mark on it. This appears more like a mechanism than a hand. That's not a tattoo.

Now for very bizarre feature. Above Nimoy's left ear but under the technology on top of the truck is a weird event! There's a little formation of a geometric object. There's energy being manipulated here.

 Another issue is when Nimoy closes his mouth then smiles. His chin and mouth seem to shapeshift a little bit there.

Then there's something akin to lettering on the mountainside thing. It looks like FLS to me. 

2. Shatner with John Abbot

First of all,something very strange with the ears, glasses and eyes of the person who exits from the left hand of the screen. He's on and off in a hurry. Notice the EARS. This one's all about ears apparently. When the weird eared man leaves, Abbot is in the background upper left screen as Shatner charms us with what appears to be improvisation. This is possibly an improv but would have required delicate preparation if they are at a human level of tech or whatever. To explain...

Look at the right ear of the man in the upper left corner when he first appears. There's a strange dot or something, button on it. It also us sort of positioned under the hair which we need to notice first to get what's coming next. This strange feature of this bizarrely shaped ear is positioned right in the camera's eye that makes it appear perfectly, like he's showing it off. Then, his nose. This is-- not appearing like an issue of 8mm but one of anatomy. That's not the nose of a human being. Like I couldn't find eyeballs on the man with the weird ear who appears in a white shirt and dark hat then runs along, I cannot find a normal nose on this person who is like Aboot but not John Abbot the actor. 

But then, it gets weirder. There's a slight twitch and then we have what appears to be a *different* person where Abbot supposedly was. I don't find this person to be an exact likeness of that actor but he is clearly with ears going higher up. His ears have CHANGED. Do you see? Perhaps there is an audio stamp from the video signal if it were dealt with in frequency breakdowns because the ears are all over this little clip. We must be listening. Then Shatners ears actually do appear a bit odd if you catch him toward the end on a single frame or two.

This is utterly strange. This button ear and that ear with the button doesnt appear to have shape like a normal ear, then Abbot becomes a LONG eared man. Those are very long ears. They're not appearing pointed exactly but they're as long as Spocks. To be clearer about it not being Abbot, the appearance he has on the episode has differences in the hair coloration, his eyebrows and actually the garment. This garment is similar but does not have the sewn feature under the neckline above the chest! You can say it's some rehearsal or alternate costume but with all these other factors, it's not adding up anyway.

 3. DeForest Kelley

This iddy bitty clip is hard to see as anything outside the ordinary. If you carefully examine the motion of DK's hand however, you will find something strange-- it disappears. There's a moment where his hand becomes transparent and you can see what is behind it onscreen. Also, I don't feel this is the same person as the real DK.The actor on Star Trek did not have the scar by the right eye this one does, he does not have the mark on his left cheek either. His face is not as puffy and this one seems older. Nor does he have the same eye color. It starts to become clear that aliens from another planet perhaps made use of these forms to deliver themselves to us, as one theory. Or an advanced space program originating on earth led to some sort of cloning of many actors who had attributes which would apply to their super secret program. I really wonder if we are on this planet, a moon, another planet entirely or very very very deep underground with all of this. Was the Star Trek show about colonizing this planet from some other one, by a race which can manipulate its own energy into differing forms? Because that's what we're seeing on some of these clips. Each one has a shapeshifting feature.

More creepiness with the woman behind him. Slow it down to a single frame and try to identify human features on that face. Betcha can't even do it! As with many others, dark shapes in place of eyes. In this case, very strange sort of mouth and some kind of nose... uh wha? Also, if you notice the emblem on his chest for a Star Trek science officer is *not* identical to the design of those on the series. This one is slightly sharper in its angularity, has a slightly different color and placement of the circular logo within.

Also you will find a little strange movement just under the tree on his right shoulder side...Also I see some more letters on the background 'O A'.

The man in the Producer or Director's chair is again giving us a message about hands. This appears to me to possibly form a basic dialogue for anatomical parts with some letters for each. There are lots of clues that this is intelligently designed and if it's from another planet and possibly another species then it would make perfect sense to communicate through media this way.

Another thing is the actress' hair. There's some form of protruding object or formation which resembles something like the ear button from the previous actor.

4. Shatner with mic in face

The only things about this I can find which are unusual are Shatner's teeth and the unreal human who speeds along behind them at the last second. If you pause on that form behind Shatner as he races through, you find something crazy.His hair is not cut like hair, it's angular and there's some weird orange thing in it. His facial features are not normal even for a blurry image of him speeding on. Shatner's teeth seem to do something kind of weird in this but it's not really too definitive that it's not just shitty 8mm film quality. Something's weird about his mouth and teeth there, though and the teeth do something strange just before weirdo #2 enters behind him. The mouth on that guy is the weirdest part so there ya go. Also if you look at the original footage of this interview it is not the same man who passes by in this clip.

5. Shatner in front of weird reflector backdrop A

The car. Look at the passengers. This is not where people sit in a car if it's being driven! These shapes are not resembling human beings. The car does a very strange leap in just the last frame. Uhh...WTF man I could swear Shatner is mouthing 'ship'. This could be a statement about a vessel traveling to us? Is any of this our space program people being caught by aliens then sending distress signals back to us? Also if you look very carefully at the wheels on the left of Shatner, the wheel/tires do something very strange right at the time the car takes a bizarre leap. That's the original land speeder, perhaps? Cuz I don't think we're on wheels with that white 60s looking sedan. Also, it appears the paper the person in front of Shatner is holding is blank.

At the last second, a person comes from off the left but this guy has no normal anatomical features. What do you make of this? Nose for an ear? Whatever..

6. Nimoy with group

Nimoy looks off to his right with a big smile just as the large man with sweater vest comes onscreen. We'll see more of him and his uncanny spectacles later but first let's have a look at these. This is not a pair of sunglasses. The shade on the right resembles one enough but then it just sort of becomes some weird flat protrusion. This is similar to what he has in his pants in his next appearance. Another oddity is how he appears. The light flare on the left is not exactly like a light leak typical to older 8mm cameras. It's similar but in my opinion that energy was developed there and caught by the lens or whatever else grabbed it up to make it onto a video. The way the man moves onscreen, Mr. Glasses is sort of arriving in this field of light with only a shirt form and some of his head. He appears out of thin air, like he were beamed as a matter of fact. That's just what it looks like. The odd light flare carries on to the next shot. 

Another thing to notice is the guy behind Nimoy. His hand does something crazy and impossible. Three finger looking things show up behind up but the angle of his body is not possible for his three fingers to be placed that way! It's crazy, then he's got a weird neck issue. It looks literally like a piece of his neck is not there, it just sort of has a section missing. Space/air in the neck area! OMG! On top of that, it's not Shatner who is the only one in the next scene with the same color shirt with the same cast/location, light flare. Something is definitely up here. What's being said?

7. Shatner kneeling with Nimoy, McCoy off right, actor unidentified         

This is the trickiest one yet. It's 100% about the hands and fingers. First of all, Shatner is doing some very verflipppery and trickified super trickiery. I feel he is either switching notebooks or doing something otherwise unnatural with his hands. You must watch very closely many times in frame by frame or slo mo to understand there's any issue but the fingers are not actually the same length or shape in the first half of this clip as the second. Also, Nimoy does something beyond odd with his fingers and in fact I'm not sure it's entirely possibly physically to do what he's doing with his hands. Furthermore, the unidentified actor (who is definitely listed somewhere but I've not bothered to find his name yet) is doing something strange with his hand. His left hand appears as if its a right hand. His digits and thumb appear arranged in reverse for the position. There's a little white coloration near it which makes ambiguity for the shape but it's definitely intentional in my opinion. This is another beyond measure slight of hand sort of magical illusion but I believe we're transcending toward energy manipulation by aliens or advanced tech rather than making simple tricks which could be explained by legitimate science. You'll see this hand change from right to left. It's utterly strange. 

What's overwhelming is the power of their charm! These are inordinately charming gentlemen and a few ladies. These people really are exuding a fun magnetism that is rare. Let's be happy these are friendly at least on the surface. 

What is Nimoy supposed to be doing with his mouth? Is that his tongue? Uhhh... Before we explore the weird mouth shit, look at Nimoy's fingers just before he does this weird shit with them in his hands. These aint mf hands!'

Now that I see what Shatner's hands are doing with the little emblem on his cuff, it's clear this series of clips are schematics to be united under a precept. This similar to the movie or book 'Contact' where diagrams of 4d were used to transmit concentrated information? That's what this is doing. Shatner's cuff changes at one frame, the precise instant his right hand disappears. This is a parity with the hand of the first clip of Spock by the advanced terraforming, energy transfer or whatever fucking equipment that is. We are now communicating with a foreign intelligence (from this Earth) to build a device for introductions with each other. This is some fascinating shit. 

Look at the shadows. One of them, the top most slight right of center is NOT from the man it would appear to be from at first glance. It's not McCoy's long cast shadow either. Note the head is not a head form, it's flatter. The shape the man makes of the 'script' is like a teardrop but -- it's PERFECT. That is an archetype relating to the cognition of the cuffed tech on Shatner's arm. Shatner is probably an android or something beyond human because it's clear he's part tech, at least. 

Now what are these fellas looking at? They turn around and appear to be staring off toward where the weird purple smoke is coming from. But there's something actually MOVING way off in the background!

  Take a look at the doorway. There's a formation sort of possibly resembling a humanoid with two little legs, a sort of stick figure body and a round thing on top, draped over like arms. There's a whiteness that I feel is equivalent of a right hand being waved! This is the significance of the hands in the foreground by these actors. The figure has a white head, pure white. At the end of the clip the figure appears to duck under a cover, like a blanket over the head and upper body, then pops back up with a white shape that is not much like a head at all but more like a white stick or stem. This is definitely an alien or intended to be taken as one, or an android or something like this.

I see the letters TV there, the notebook and my interpretation is that the author of this episode or all of Star Trek might be this alien. This is a synchronous gesture by all the men and this alien figure to indicate the scripts, notebooks or whatever else those are, the word TV and that the figure behind them is doing the writing. Just when the right 'knee' of the alien flashes with white light, Nimoy's basically sticking out his tongue. Isn't this the creature having some fun, playing hide and seek with us? Sticking his or her or whatever's tongue out through LN at the precise moment becoming visible in the background? Nya nya nya nya nyaaa!! Or it could mean 'thank you for all that good tv! i liked it as much as you humanbeings on earth!'. Or perhaps he is the source of all television programming, and tv actually comes from that person's tech which is disguised as a little box on a very strange ground.

My screen grab is not letting me capture pics off my Amazon movie account where I am watchin original ST. The first episode I started to watch with a scrutinized eye for objects, hands and stuff going on in the background showed up with something. Ep 29 Season 1 at 39:40 . Spock's hands are doing something very strange. I'm not exactly sure how his left thumb is in the position it's in while interlocking but I'm sure he appears to have more than five fingers. This is the kind of thing I was looking for.

I also am beginning to wonder scale.There's no way to determine how large an object is without scale relevance. So if everything is the same proportion to what we commonly see, if it's much bigger or smaller we'd almost never know. What if these actors are 400' tall? All the set stuff is that big. Would we know? I like going outside the envelope to explore for answers because everything gets real that way. The crazier it sounds, probably the more likely it will be true. Another thought was if they switched actors for every different take. If you think like an alien or advanced culture with mastery over genetics, then cloning or otherwise creating a like individual would probably not be much different than sewing a dress or printing something up on a computer for us.




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